Comprehensive Guide to Moving with Kids

If you’re preparing to relocate your family and would like some moving and packing tips specific to kids, Camelot Moving & Storage is happy to offer the following insights.

Get your child excited about the move

Moving is a big deal for the entire family. This is especially true for kids, who worry about leaving their friends, their bedroom, their yard, and everything that comprises their comfort zone. You can alleviate their worries by getting them excited about the move: show them pictures of the new house, talk about all the fun things to do nearby, and use Google Earth to give your children a virtual tour of their new neighborhood. They’ll love this level of interaction.

Another good idea is to engage your child by making a Moving Calendar. As each day passes, let the child put a sticker or draw something on the date so they understand that Moving Day is drawing closer, and that they’re an important part of it.

Give your child a job while packing up your old home

Kids love to help out and feel like they’re part of the action. On your Moving Day, give your kid some fun jobs or assignments to do, like opening doors for the movers and keeping everyone supplied with water bottles and simple food items like pizza. Another idea is to let your child play the role of supervisor for a certain area of the home, with the responsibility to keep the area clear so that your local moving company can easily move back and forth.

Ask the movers to save your child’s room for last

Not only does this allow your child to savor every last second in their old room, but upon arriving at your new home, their stuff will come off the truck first. They’ll feel great about this, and they’ll love being able to arrange their new room just the way they like it. And speaking of arranging things, making your child a part of your new home’s layout (where should the TV go, where should we put the sofa, etc.) is a good idea too.

Keep spirits up during the drive from old home to new

Even short trips can make kids antsy, and this is especially true when they feel separated from their favorite things. One great solution is to pack a box or a backpack with all of their favorite things: toys, books, crayons, action figures, etc. It’s likely that they’ll dive right into this cache, but even if they don’t they’ll still feel good knowing that their prized possessions are nearby.

Explore your new neighborhood before unpacking

Once your child’s things are unpacked and while the movers are busy bringing in the rest of your belongings, explore your new neighborhood with your kids and get them acclimated. Go for a walk, find the nearest playground, and if there are neighborhood kids/parents out and about, introduce yourselves. If you live close to town, take a look around and talk about all the fun stuff there is to do. Even though your home is full of boxes and bubble wrap, your child will have a nice foundation to build on.

If you’re ready to work with a full-service moving company, contact Camelot Moving & Storage in Santa Clarita today.

Billy Kornfeld