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College Storage Prep for Over the Summer

As the school semester comes to an end, storing college items becomes a top priority. Finding the right location to store your belongings and knowing what to keep can be overwhelming. However, summer storage for college students just got easier with these simple ideas on what, how, and where to store your belongings.

What to Store

Deciding what to store is a good weekend task or study break activity. Use these tips to help you determine what to store and what to let go before your next college semester.

Plan Ahead

Finals, graduation, and goodbyes get in the way of thinking about what happens to your belongings when the dorm closes or you move on to your next life adventure. Start planning out what you need to do with your college storage items early. Figure out where you are going next, what you might be able to bring, what you will buy new, and where to store everything between semesters. Early planning allows you time to get the fine details taken care of, setting you up for an easy transition.


Getting rid of things you no longer need helps you prepare for your next year and your summer move. Look through your belongings and decide what you need and what you do not need. Here are some examples:

  • Extra clothes, textbooks, and supplies could impact your college storage space capabilities. Give away or throw out items that are no longer important to you. Substituting ebooks for physical books is a great way to save space.

  • A change in major could include changing the equipment needed for your degree. Get rid of equipment that is no longer necessary. For example, if you are transitioning from fine art to photography, you may no longer need an easel, so don’t take up storage space for it.

  • Upgrading electronics could be a way for college students to save space on summer storage. Electronics are constantly being updated. When deciding what electronics will still be helpful when you unpack your college storage, you may choose to recycle and buy new items over the summer.

  • Where you are moving will determine what you keep and what you leave behind. If you are going from the dorm to an apartment or house, you may want to get rid of your dorm furniture and upgrade to a more durable home furniture choice. You won’t want to store excess furniture and take up unneeded space.

How to Store

Moving Day is always an exciting day. The vehicles are filled with all your belongings, and then they’re off to their temporary home. Figuring out how to pack your college storage unit for success is another topic. 

You will want to pack everything where it is safe and accessible. Pack your boxes so they’re easy to reload when the time comes to clear out your storage space. Here are some summer storage tips for college students.

  • Plan and pack early.

  • Choose whether to pack your college storage items in boxes or plastic storage containers. Cardboard boxes are suitable for short-term storage, but valuables or long-term storage may be better in plastic containers.

  • Label your boxes clearly, so you know what is in each box and can unpack them quickly and easily.

  • Put the heaviest boxes on the bottom of the stacks.

  • Place breakables securely so they won’t be damaged. Bubble wrap and packing paper help keep fragile items safe.

  • Leave liquids and perishables out of your storage vault. Liquids, such as cleaners or art supplies, and foods can create a mess, spoil, or attract bugs to your college storage unit.

Where to Store

Finding the perfect location to store your valuable college items is essential. When deciding which facility will meet your storage needs, consider these several thoughts: 

  • The size of your unit

  • Location of your unit to where you currently or are going to live

  • Accessibility

  • Security

How Camelot Can Help 

Summer storage for college students should be an easy, positive experience. Camelot is here to help students choose the perfect size storage vault. Contact our friendly staff to help organize your college storage, and start planning and packing today!