Be Ready. What's Next?

March is here, and so is the madness! The NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournaments are nearly underway. We never truly know what’s around the corner, the height of the hill we’ll have to climb or the severity of the pivot we’ll have to make. But maybe we can learn how to rise to the challenge from watching the determined athletes fighting for their competitive lives this March. At the very least, we’ll get to see some amazing games.

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Billy Kornfeld
Can AI Do Better?

I used to think that the trucking and moving industries were pretty far out of reach of automation. And yet, with the advent of driverless cars and chatbots, AI is finding its way into the trade. So realistically, what role can AI play in a personalized service like moving and storage? Like all leaps forward, from the steam engine to the assembly line to Siri, AI causes both panic and anticipation.

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Billy Kornfeld
2025 Is Here! What's Your Theme for the Year?

My theme for 2025 is FOCUS! In one of my favorite movies, an older, wiser character makes the point that the secret of life is “one thing, just one thing.” In other words, focus! No matter what it is I am tackling at any given moment, that “one thing” deserves my complete attention. And yet this ability to have a singular focus constantly eludes me!

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Billy Kornfeld
2024: A Year Made Better by...You!

I started the year with a modest amount of trepidation due to the state of the economy and other industry woes. However, one benefit of age is the depth of one's hindsight. There will always be ups and downs, lean seasons and bountiful ones. What helped me endure this year's erratic operating costs and fickle economy? As always, you, Camelot’s extended family!

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Billy Kornfeld
End-of-Year Cruise Control: Working Without the Rush

'Tis the season of extremes. It can be hard to push yourself to keep working when it seems like so many of your neighbors and colleagues are taking time off and getting away. How can one fight the annual challenge of staying motivated through the end of the year? Whether it's feast or famine, rush or slush, let's pursue a balanced pace to the end of the year.

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Billy Kornfeld
From the Heart: Passions, Starters, and New Beginnings

Our homes and belongings speak to the depth of human curiosity, often inspiring me to explore what passion of mine I’ve yet to discover. In the spirit, my wife and I recently embarked on a new adventure: creating our own sourdough starter. As many things do, this simple challenge made me think of our clients and what they experience moving into a new home...

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Billy Kornfeld