Camelot Moving & Storage

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What is the Nicest Compliment You've Ever Received?

Recently when this question was posed

I had no answer. Not only could I not remember the nicest compliment I had ever received, I could not remember any compliment I had received. When I said as much, my daughter instantly began throwing out compliments to me she had eye- (ear?) witnessed. (By the way, those were a lovely few minutes. I recommend feigning a bad memory to your family members on this topic anytime you need a pick-me-up!)

Why could I not recall the compliments that had clearly left a mark on the minds of those around me? Was it the results of old age or modesty? I guess we'll never know. Nonetheless, compliments are worth remembering. Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” False praise and flattery aside, compliments can give us that rare glimpse of ourselves from an outsider's perspective. By helping us see how we stand out, compliments reveal both how we're unique and how we best fit in.

Since I seem to suffer from compliment amnesia, I'll pay one forward instead! In the client feedback about Camelot's crews, there is one word in particular that stands out to me: considerate. It's the descriptor I didn't realize I wanted to hear about our crews. Being considerate goes beyond basic kindness, which can be passive. Consideration is proactive and requires empathy and understanding. It implies that our crews do more than perform tasks. They meet our clients' needs before our clients are aware of what they need. That's the Camelot I didn't know I was dreaming of 38 years ago.

We invite you to reflect on the nicest compliment you've ever received. How did it make you feel, and what impact did it have on your day? We'd love to hear your stories and celebrate these self-affirming moments together!