2025 Is Here! What's Your Theme for the Year?
“One thing, just one thing.”
Hey Friend!
Recently my daughter-in-law shared with me a different approach to the new year she had heard about on the Happier podcast: rather than focusing on New Year's resolutions or goals, select a word or phrase to be a theme for the year, which can vary from the practical to the whimsical, such as “juicy,” “color,” or “oasis.” My ears perked up and my attention was piqued! Avoiding the frustration of short-lived resolutions by pursuing an underlying theme to guide me daily for the entire 365 is a novel and inspiring approach to the new year. So here I go!
My theme for 2025 is FOCUS! In one of my favorite movies, an older, wiser character makes the point that the secret of life is “one thing, just one thing.” In other words, focus! No matter what it is I am tackling at any given moment, that “one thing” deserves my complete attention. And yet this ability to have a singular focus constantly eludes me!
I mean, really, if I were a donkey, I'd have so many carrots dangling in front of me, I wouldn't know in which direction to walk. If I were a PC, I'd have too many windows open to see the task at hand! I suspect my ability to jump from focal point to focal point comes from my time on the road. As a truck driver, my ability to regularly scan the road ahead and behind, looking out for detour signs, erratic drivers, or road hazards not to mention the condition of my rig as I cover hundreds of miles in a day requires I constantly shift my focus. However, that same ability to pay attention to everything can be detrimental to the follow-through needed to accomplish my personal and business goals.
Going back to the podcast, what practical measures can I take to make this singular theme my mindset throughout the year? One person picked butterfly as her theme one year and wore butterfly-accented jewelry to keep her theme front and center. Perhaps I could do something similar with a carrot theme. Or I could change my computer password to “focus” so that I'm forced to type it a few times a day. (Well, maybe not now that I told everyone!)
I'll continue to focus on my singular focus of focusing in 2025. How about you? What theme would you choose for 2025? And how would you represent that in a symbol or icon? I'd love to hear from you!