Appreciating the Unexpected...Even the Awkward


Hey there Friend,

Awkward. Uncomfortable. Cringe. How do you deal with these unpleasant moments, personally or professionally? Because moving is a deeply personal service, professional movers are no strangers to the unexpected, even awkward occasion. Being able to handle and perhaps deescalate the cringe is essentially a job requirement for Camelot employees.

Our work would be far less interesting and worthwhile if we did not remember that we’re relocating people and families when we’re handling their things. While doing our best to remember that each item has incredible potential sentimental value, we’re not always aware of the items that carry the most emotional weight—leading to the aforementioned awkward. And as it turns out, sometimes not everyone in the household is aware of the home’s hidden treasures.

For instance, one time our crew stumbled upon a hidden stash of money meticulously taped to a bed frame. The homeowner’s disbelief matched our crew’s astonishment. Disbelief because she had forgotten about it? Disbelief because she didn't know about it? Or disbelief that someone was honest enough to turn it over? We'll never know exactly why she was in disbelief, but we're happy to know that this customer knows how trustworthy we are.

Speaking of stashes, we have definitely tripped upon the secret stash of another (smokable) sort hidden in a teenager’s room on more than one occasion. The way times and generations have changed, I think any day now we’ll discover a parent’s hidden stash, tucked away from the prying eyes of their kids or grandkids.

The most personal item I unknowingly handled dwelled in a cozy living room on the mantle of a home I was packing. The homeowner walked in the room, looked around anxiously, and immediately asked me about the location of her husband. I was very confused because I had never met or seen her husband throughout the entire day I had been packing. It did not take long to establish that the ashes of her deceased husband were kept in the beautiful ceramic vase I had just carefully wrapped and packed into a box. She opted to transport him herself to their new home, so I delicately unpacked the vase urn and returned him to the mantle.

Yes, moving someone and their belongings to a new home can bring its fair share of cringe. However, in doing so, these awkward occasions remind us movers of the deeply personal nature of the service we are providing. They also demonstrate our trustworthiness, thorough meticulousness, and the care with which we approach our work. As a result, I doubt these awkward moments will cease, nor should they. Rather we hope to always handle them with respect and professionalism…and the appropriate  amount of humor.

Billy Kornfeld